
2012 :: a new year for gravy

happy new year everyone! with every new year comes reflection and change. for gravy, 2012 will be about physically manifesting our desire to connect, share and inspire. attention kmart shoppers: gravy is looking for a space!

a year ago, when we began this journey, we, as creative professionals wanted to have a workspace to simply create. even though we had specific ideas of what to create (paintings, refinished furniture, prints), it was the act of creating, collaborating and the formation of community that excited us. along the way, we discovered coworking, which embraced these same ideals. over the past year with your help, gravy has grown into a diverse and connected creative community. in addition to gatherings at our regularly scheduled coworking jellys, we've collaborated with a unique group of local businesses including new village arts, relm wine & beer bistro, vital climbing gym, the lost abbeyknuckleheads, paper and threadmegan ann photographykam shave ice, delphine, three sisters jewelryvu consulting and zoom in design. we've also held public speaking and social media workshops with ncsd properties and mediatech consulting. we have made some great friends in business and in life!

we want to continue that collaborative spirit in a space of our own; one that more intricately weaves the  "create" in "creative community." a place that allows the exploration of ideas into physical form if it needs to be. a workshop. a think shop. in other words, we need to make room for gravy-making! we do not feel we are a finished product and we hope to continue to embrace change and form. so if you're creative in what you do or how you think, we hope you'll continue to join us when gravy morphs into physical form.

while we focus on gravy-making, wednesday weekly jellys at e street cafe will simmer on the side burner. stay tuned to our blog and facebook page for our new location updates!
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