
carlsbad coworking jelly-"productive?"

inaugural jelly - workin the coworkin
hello jelly friends! yep, that's you in the picture. live and in jelly-o.

prepping for last friday's inaugural jelly filled us with feelings of anticipation, excitement and a little uncertainty. how's this all going to go down? how many people are going to show? are we gonna get punk'd?

one person i met noticed the fact that the people at one end of the table were talking/socializing. i know, the horror! this is supposed to be a work event! it's not supposed to be fun! he commented that it didn't seem to be "productive." i challenged him on the definition of this. if you're working at home by yourself and you're self-disciplined, yes, you could probably get more done in your own space. but the point of a coworking jelly, however is to come into a community and open yourself up to being "productive" not only by standard definition, but in non-linear ways as well. getting small business advice. making business contacts. participating in the community. giving and getting. getting out of your own shell, rethinking and if you let yourself, feeling inspired.

so was friday's jelly a "success?" did it live up to our vision? was it "productive?"

if we connected just two people, if we inspired someone in some small way, if we helped to make part of their friday workday...brighter, i say, hell. yeah.

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