
jelly sponsor :: 3 questions for megan ann photography

We are in for a treat. megan ann photography is offering FREE headshots for gravy members at our 7.22 jelly! check out her amazing urban, journalistic style!

How did you get to where you are now? If you would have asked me five years ago where I would be now (in my career), I would have never thought the answer would be "professional photographer".  I was on a path in the "corporate world" to pursue a longtime dream of working in sports.  It was a great path that fulfilled my goals and perfected my skill sets in business.  But then a funny thing happened, I got my hands on a camera, started taking photos of my friends kids...and I'd found my new passion.  The past five years have been spent building my business while having a full time job as a project manager.  In March of 2010, however, a layoff at my corporate job allowed me to finally do what I've always wanted and have full time photography business.  It was a true blessing and I've never looked back.

What do you love most about your job? My clients.  Seriously, I work with some amazing people and am so blessed to be a part of building memories through photography.  My clients are my friends, my encouragement and my biggest fans.  I can't build a business without them and am grateful for all of the beautiful moments I am able to be a part of.

What do you find the most challenging? There are so many photographers in Southern California. This is not a bad thing, but it definitely puts pressure on photographers to continually improve and differentiate themselves from one another.  It's not a competition...instead it's a chance for us to learn from one another and strive to build a business that reflects how hard we work and the connection we have with our clients.  We live in one of the best areas of the country for photography, so it's extremely motivating to be the most passionate and dedicated businesswomen we can be.

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